
Friday, July 30, 2010

We may still be in camps by 2012

By Vitalis Kimutai

Displaced people in Burnt Forest have expressed fears that the 2012 General Election will find them in camps.

They told The Standard yesterday the Government and civil society groups that had promised to help them resume normal lives were not committed.

"There is relative peace and calm in the area, but the Government and NGOs have not fulfilled their pledge to help us resettle," said Mr Samuel Mwangi, the chairman of the displaced families.

The IDPs spoke as the Government and Organisation of Migration donated 429 new tents to the more than 500 families who had been camping at Lainkuse Youth Polytechnic in Tarakwa location, Wareng District, for the past two weeks.

"We sought shelter at the institution following prolonged heavy rainfall, which destroyed our makeshift structures and old tents," he said.

Ms Jane Wanjiru said the families had suffered for long and that it was their wish they be helped to settle in their farms and resume farming.

Former Nakuru Kanu Chairman Kimani Ngunjiri said the IDPs were in dire need of medication and food, adding that several children had dropped out of school. "It is sad that two years after post-poll chaos, IDPs are yet to be fully resettled," he said.

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