
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Uhuru, Wanjiru woo voters in Thika

By Wairimu Kamande

The public has been urged to actively participate in the coming referendum.

Speaking in Thika yesterday, when he took the ‘Yes’ campaign to matatu operators, Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta said it was important the public votes for the draft to bring positive reforms in the matatu sector.

"If you are not actively involved, then you cannot help end harassment by police. It is your life and no one is being forced to vote," he said.

Uhuru, who is also the Finance Minister, said no sector had been ignored in the referendum campaigns or in the Proposed Constitution.

In addition, he told Kenyans to be wary of individuals peddling lies to root for support.

Uhuru addressed representatives of more than 50 matatu Saccos operating in the Mt Kenya region, in a meeting held at the Kenya Vehicle Manufacturers premises. The operators, who waited for Uhuru for hours, had been informed the meeting was purely business.

Some, who were surprised when they were asked to wear the Green uniform tried to resist, but later sang ‘Yes’ after they were persuaded.

Separately, Housing Assistant Minister Margaret Wanjiru addressed a ‘No’ campaign rally at Redeemed Church, Thika, and criticised the Government for denying the ‘No’ campaigners access to public grounds in Nairobi. She said the ‘Yes’ side was being unfair by using their political muscle to cancel permits and block them from accessing the city for campaigns.

"We had booked the venues long before the ‘Yes’ side, only for our permits to be cancelled," she said.

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