
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

No Camp Seeks Votes in Mt. Elgon

The No team today campaigned in Mt Elgon where they urged voters to reject the proposed new constitution citing the clauses on devolution, land, and abortion as contentious issues that need to be resolved before passing it.

At the same time, the team led by Kuria MP, Dr. Wilfred Machage, accused the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) of applying the law selectively and mainly targeting the No team.

Machage and Baringo Central MP Gideon Moi said some people in Yes team have been referring to those in No camp as the orphans of former president Daniel arap Moi.

They further challenged some MPs in Yes constitutional divide who yesterday threatened the No team not to step in Suswa, Narok, saying every Kenyan is free to visit anywhere in the country, and wondered why NCIC has not taken any action against them terming the statements as incitements.

Gideon Moi said some of the clauses in the draft were worse than what is contained in the current constitution and called on the Kenyans to reject the proposed draft by voting No during the August 4 referendum.

Dr. Machage said the marginalized communities had all the reasons to vote against the draft, saying they will be more oppressed if the draft goes through.

“The people of the mountain suffered for a long time under the rule of Bungoma district and going back is like going to Egypt instead of heading to Canaan”, said Mt. Elgon MP, Mr. Fred Kapondi.

Dr. Machage singled out Mt Elgon area saying it will be forced to join Bungoma County, if the proposed constitution passes under the 47 county system saying being minority and marginalized, Kuria people will not get even a seat in the county as they will be prevailed upon by the majority when they go to vote.

Legislator Cyrus Jirongo said the yes team was misleading and forcing Kenyans to vote for flawed laws that will bring more disunity among the Kenyans.

Chepalungu MP Isaac Ruto said the provincial administration will be scrapped if the draft constitution sails through and challenged the Yes team to show where it is stated that it will remain.

Ruto said there is a difference between restructuring and remaining, saying the restructuring can also mean doing away with, and told chiefs and their assistants that their jobs will be at cross roads if the draft goes through.

Mr. Moi said the draft would bring more chaos in the country, arguing that it would evoke historical injustices yet the people of Kenya have stayed peaceful and would not like a constitution which will divide them.

The civic leaders from Tran Nzoia who attended the meeting accused some few people who they said have been misleading citizens claiming that the Sabaot community was in support of the proposed laws.

They said the community is against the draft because of being put under Bungoma County and their voting No will be a protesting vote.


  1. honourable Kapondi do something about infrustaructure in Mt. elgon our constituency can have good roads to establish the tomato industry.

  2. Gender is about men and women but its more than that have you wondered why men and women dont talk the same langauge or mean the same thing in their conversation its not their problem they were socialized so.
    Am concerned about ARP which is alternative rite of passage to discoaurage FGM.What story does that teach i think many people do it for fun but not to please their communities.Customs in culture remain in the mind so its important to built on the change of concepts of FGM than help people pretend to under go FGM.If its certificates people ask themselves where they will use it.think about these issue gain....
