
Friday, July 30, 2010

Kibaki digs in.

NAIROBI, Kenya, Jul 29 - President Mwai Kibaki on Thursday sustained his verbal attacks against his predecessor Daniel arap Moi, urging Kenyans to ignore elder statesman's sentiments and vote for the proposed Constitution.

Speaking at the Masinde Muliro Gardens in Kakamega, the Head of State maintained that critics of the proposed law should keep quiet as they failed to deliver one when they had a chance.

"Let's not fear the past, where some people failed to deliver a Constitution because they were focusing on other things but that was their time. This is our time and we have decided that we are going to approve this document," he said.

Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi who had accompanied the president on the campaign trail urged area residents to seize the historic moment and approve the proposed Constitution

"If you compare our (Western province) voter turnout to that of Central, Rift Valley and Eastern provinces it's always higher than ours, so this is the time to make a difference and come out in large numbers to show that we want this document," he said.

Central Organisation of Trade Unions Secretary General Francis Atwoli and Lands Assistant Minister Bifwoli Wakoli were among other leaders who accompanied the President.

Mr Atwoli said the union would mobilise workers to support the draft Constitution since it will strengthen institutions and reduce the mismanagement that has characterised previous governments.

"For the first time in Kenya workers will have the right to strike entrenched in the Constitution and this will provide workers with an opportunity to bargain for their labour without being intimidated and declaring such a move illegal," he said.

Mr Wakoli used his charismatic style to woo residents to the Yes side, by likening the proposed Constitution to a girl who despite her beauty, would not lack a flaw which people are willing to overlook.

In Mombasa, Gichugu MP Martha Karua joined the Committee on Experts in campaigning for the proposed Constitution where she accused the Church leadership of misinterpreting the document.

"Politicians have never attempted to enter the Church to interpret the Bible. The clergy should learn to respect political leaders," she said.

Speaking at the Tononoka Grounds, Ms Karua said Church leaders opposed to the document should not resort to bitterness and distortion. She urged Kenyans to vote for the proposed Constitution to deter MPs from unilaterally raising their salaries and allowances.

"The current Constitution allows MPs to raise their salaries at a whim and Kenyans should pass the proposed Constitution as there is a governing body which will regulate the salaries and allowances of MPs and all civil servants," said Ms Karua.

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