
Friday, July 30, 2010

Church leaders pray for No

NAIROBI, Kenya, Jul 30 – The leaders of the main Christian denominations in Kenya held a joint prayer service in Nairobi on Friday, during which they maintained their unison in opposing the proposed Constitution.

Cardinal John Njue of the Catholic Church, Anglican Archbishop Eliud Wabukhala, and National Council of Churches of Kenya General Secretary Canon Peter Karanja led the prayers at the Holy Family Basilica.

In a common message by the more than ten speakers, the leaders said they could not endorse a document they claimed would legalise abortion on demand and create religious inequality in the country by the inclusion of Kadhis Courts.

“It is true this Constitution has many good things but the good has been mixed with evil sections that affect the moral life and rights of this country in fundamental ways,” said Canon Karanja who read a joint communiqué.

The leaders held prayers for each of the various contentious issues, quoting bible scriptures.

“There are no two ways; either we are Christians or we are not. You cannot tell me to approve something that goes against the commandments of God that say ‘do not kill’,” Cardinal Njue said in reference to the clause on abortion.

The leaders who exuded confidence that the No vote would carry the day next Wednesday called on all Kenyans to come out in large numbers and exercise their democratic right to vote.

“To those that are undecided and have been called watermelons, we pray that you may reflect on where Kenya has come from and you may find divine wisdom and reject the proposed Constitution,” said Bishop David Oginde of the Nairobi Pentecostal Church.

Other speakers included Bishop Mark Kariuki of Deliverance Church, Bishop Gerry Kibarabara of the Gospel Assemblies of God, and Redeemed Gospel Church’s Bishop Wilfred Lai among others.

“A time is coming when the church will stand and point on one person to be President,” said Bishop Kariuki.

Archbishop \Wabukhala: “It is time the Church stands together and influences kingdom principles in our society.”

While the NCCK and the Kenya Christian Constitution Forum has been engaging from one side, the Anglican Church and the Catholics have carried out their own campaigns through their church networks. Televangelists have on their part conducted various crusades across the country.

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