
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Watch what you eat! It could lead you to your Maker sooner rather than later.

According to Public Health Minister, Beth Mugo, there is an increase in diseases and deaths associated with poor diet caused by deviation from traditional foodstuffs.

Also called the ‘diseases of civilization’, such illnesses include the Alzheimer, asthma, cancer, chronic liver disease or cirrhosis, diabetes, heart disease, acne, stroke and obesity among others.

The minister noted that Kenyans are deviating from the traditional fibre-rich and highly nutritious foods to more refined and processed varieties while at the same time leading sedentary lifestyles.

"If unchecked, these non-communicable diseases will in the near future account for higher deaths than malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS put together," said Mugo.

The minister was speaking when she inaugurated the first council of Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute (KNDI) at the Ministry of the Health.

She said the country now faces the double tragedy of inadequate food and the challenge of nurturing and sustaining a healthy nation.

The 18-member council will be chaired by Dr Julia Ojiambo and was formed through an Act of Parliament to be a watchdog and advocacy organ on nutrition and dieting.

They will provide training and licensing of nutritionists and dieticians, provide for regulations, standards and practice in the profession. The council will also ensure effective participation of citizens in dieting and nutrition.

Mugo asked the council to be relentless in ensuring that Kenyans are informed on the right kind of foods to eat so as to avoid or reduce non-communicable diseases.

"I hope the council would do its best to promote traditional foods such as cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, vegetables which are cheap and readily available so that Kenyans leave a great and longer life, said Mugo.

She said her ministry would do its best to support the councils’ aspirations and mandate of disease prevention and promotion of good health.

The council is presently housed at Avian Towers on Ngong Road.

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