
Monday, March 29, 2010


The ODM infighting deepened on Monday with party members allied to the Prime Minister Raila Odinga daring Agriculture Minister William Ruto faction to quit.

A section of the party members hit out at Ruto and his allies for publicly criticizing the Prime Minitser who is the party leader and their different stance on the constitution.

Legislators Josphat Nanok, Rachael Shebesh and Olago Alouch said ODM was not party to tribal and divisive remarks made by the errant party members over the weekend.

Addressing the press at Orange house, the three MPs called on the party to take immediate disciplinary action against the rebel MPs saying they did not share the party vision any more.

They further challenged the rebel Mps to quit the party or stop their double speak on the proposed constitution contradicting the party position.

In a statement read by Nanok, the MPS termed the threats and blackmail pronouncements in public rallies by the errant members unfortunate and meant to derail the constitution making process.

"Opportunists in the party who have decided to take a rebellious stand should not use this for political mileage" said the Mps

They added" The renegade party Mps led by Ruto are constantly engaged in night meetings so as to salvage their dwindling political fortunes," said Nanok

He said it was time for the Orange party to set in motion its disciplinary process in accordance with the party constitution.

They further maintained the ODM stand on the draft law adding that the party had listed several amendments to the devolution chapter to include a three- tier system.

They however said they would support the proposed draft law as it is if they fail to marshall the requisite number to pass an amendment.

A section of Rift Valley MPS over the weekend vowed to shield the Agriculture Minister from political enemies out to sabotage his presidential bid.

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