
Monday, March 29, 2010


Five MPs have vowed to shield Agriculture Minister William Ruto from political enemies out to sabotage his presidential bid.

The legislators further pledged to consolidate the Kalenjin community votes for better political bargaining power ahead of the 2012 General Election.

Led by Mr Joshua Kuttuny, the MPs backed the minister’s candidature and warned they would deal with those targeting him.

They included Sammy Mwaita (Baringo Central), Jebii Kilimo (Marakwet East), Moses Lekuton (Laisamis) and Charles Keter (Belgut).
As if to boost his presidential bid, Agriculture Minister William Ruto was at the weekend installed a Marakwet elder during a funds drive in aid of Kerio Valley Secondary School in Marakwet East District. Photo: Edwin Cheserek/Standard

"We are aware that some people are unhappy with Ruto after he declared to run for the presidency. But let them be warned that we are behind him," said Kuttuny.

The Cherangany MP expressed confidence that Rift Valley was solely behind Ruto as he had demonstrated exemplary leadership qualities in his ministerial duties that qualify him for the presidency.

"We want every vote from our community counted in the ballot box and we are willing to enter into a political agreement with any community able to articulate issues affecting our people," he said.

Mr Keter asked ODM leaders to respect the views of others and stop undermining Ruto, whom he praised as a hard worker.

Ms Kilimo described Ruto as a visionary leader and a committed public servant and urged Kenyans to support his presidential bid.

Change of guard

The Co-operatives Assistant minister said Kenyans of goodwill want a change of guard in national leadership to address numerous problems affecting Kenyans, adding Ruto fitted the description of leadership Kenyans want.

"I am even asking our neighbours (Trans Nzoia) to support our son because he has already declared interest to serve you as President," said Kilimo.

Kuttuny further said since the North Rift had already produced two presidential candidates, a win for either of them would be a win for the region.

"Ruto is our cockerel in Rift Valley and we have another one in Trans Nzoia in Eugene Wamalwa. Whoever will be the President, residents in the region will have won," he said.

Ruto on his part described the leadership of the country as wanting and urged Kenyans to support the move by the young generation to take over power.

"The presidency is not about age. US President Obama took over power at the age of 45 and the youth are determined to bring a generational change able to propel the country to prosperity," Ruto said.

He accused unnamed leaders of preaching hatred and dividing Kenyans along tribal lines instead of advocating unity.

The Eldoret North MP reiterated his earlier desire to work with Eugene in bringing in leadership that would unite Kenyans.

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