
Thursday, February 25, 2010


ODM has managed to exclude Cabinet Minister William Ruto from the all-important parliamentary House Business Committee after MPs voted unanimously to pass its list of members.

Though the membership of the House Business Committee remained as initially tabled on Wednesday, most MPs who rose to contribute spoke in its support.

The committee is crucial in parliament as it is the one that schedules business for the House.

The MPs shouted 'aye' to show their unanimous support when Speaker Kenneth Marende called the procedural motion to vote. This was a major climb-down from supporters of Agriculture Minister William Ruto who had cried foul when the list was initially tabled.

Those who will sit on the 21-member powerful committee that sets the agenda for Parliament are:

Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka
Uhuru Kenyatta
Prof George Saitoti
Mutula Kilonzo
Beth Mugo
Martha Karua
Dr Boni Khalwale
Adan Keynan
Musikari Kombo
George Thuo.
Prof Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o
Musalia Mudavadi
Dr Sally Kosgei
Henry K. Kosgey
Charity Ngilu
Maalim Mohamud Mohamed
Ali Mohamed Mohamud
Thomas Ludindi Mwadeghu
Dr Joyce Laboso
Charles Onyancha
Jakoyo Midiwo
Kenneth Marende - Speaker (Ex-Officio Member).

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