
Sunday, February 14, 2010


Former President Moi has said lack of clear understanding on who is in charge of the Government is to blame the emerging corruption cases.

Moi said it was hard to understand who between President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga was in charge of Government.

He said differences between the two coalition partners — PNU and ODM — were causing a lot of confusion.

Moi said the coalition partners were pulling in opposite directions, saying this has contributed to poor governance due to two centres of power.

"It is difficult to know who is running the country between the PM and the President as each of the two coalition partners are busy wrangling over who has more powers," he said.

Public funds

The retired president said this had resulted in the confusion as to how funds from Treasury meant for various ministries and government programmes were managed, opening a window for people to embezzle public funds.

Speaking at a funds drive at Kipteris Full Gospel Church in Kipkelion constituency, Moi cited the scandal that has rocked the Ministry of Education where millions of funds meant for the Free Primary Education has been misappropriated.

"The question of money meant for the FPE getting lost could not have occurred had the Government put in place measures to monitor the use of funds from the time it was released to schools," he said.

Moi said the Government has machinery and officers to use in tracking how public funds are used. He said accountants, auditors and suppliers should have traced how the funds were used.

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