
Sunday, February 7, 2010


Lucy Kibaki has appealed to Members of Parliament to urgently review the law regarding people engaged in rape to make it more punitive because the current laws have not stemmed the rise in rape case.

The First Lady said she was perturbed by cases of rape especially by teachers who are entrusted with the responsibility of guiding their students.

The First Lady further wondered why the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) had not raised their voice concerning reports of increased rape by teachers, especially knowing that HIV/AIDS was now an issue that society must deal with.

“Some of these teachers who are raping our girls know that they are infected and think that they can be cured by engaging in reckless sex with minors. I am extremely concerned that in this day and age the teachers body (KNUT) has not found it necessary to condemn some of their members who have been found to engage in this vice,” the First Lady said.

The First Lady emphasised that Members of Parliament must now see the need to review the laws because the current laws have not been a deterrent to sex offenders.

“How can somebody who is a proven rapist be released back to society. Even 20 years is not enough of a sentence. These sexual offenders deserve a life imprisonment and if need be society should look for harsher sentences for those found to be guilty of molesting our children,” said the First Lady.

She said that the issue of rape must be dealt with urgently and decisively to ensure that the HIV virus is not spread to another generation of innocent children who deserve a fair chance in life.

The First Lady also called on the society to take a proactive stand and mould children responsibly while at the same time report cases of sexual molestation to the police.

“The police department should also move with speed whenever a sexual offence is reported to them. The police should ensure there is a female officer in every station because they understand the magnitude of sexual offences,” the First Lady said.

Mrs Kibaki said that the next session of Parliament should debate the issue as a matter of priority because the Kenyan girl-child deserves better laws to protect her.

The First Lady also said members of the judiciary, especially magistrates, to whom rape cases are brought to should stop treating the matter casually by taking long to deliver their ruling or releasing suspects who are confirmed to be a menace to society.

The First added that even prison authorities should isolate those who are convicted of rape because rapists are a threat even to those in prison.

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