
Monday, January 11, 2010


The Party of National Unity (PNU) is reportedly plotting to push for the dissolution of the Committee of Experts (CoE) to “allow the Parliamentary Select Committee fully take over the constitutional review process.”

Sources intimated on Monday that a meeting chaired by President Mwai Kibaki at his Harambee House office also set out to push for the amendment of the law to provide for a Yes-Yes referendum and present “a win-win scenario.”

At a meeting of its members of the Grand Coalition Management Committee, the party is said to have stuck on their earlier proposal for one centre of power akin to the Tanzanian model of a less powerful Prime Minister.

The Orange Democratic Movement wing also held its own consultative meeting with details that the party resolved to back the ‘compromise hybrid system’ proposed by CoE.

The two parties have differed sharply on the system of government with PNU fronting a Presidential system of government while ODM is stuck on a Parliamentary system.

The PSC received the revised draft on Friday and is set for a one week retreat in Naivasha starting Sunday to deliberate on it and make recommendations to the Committee of Experts within the provided 21 days period.

The revised draft is an improvement of the harmonised draft released in mid November in which the public made their recommendations. Under the draft a ceremonial President directly elected by the public will be the symbol of national unity. The Prime Minister who will be the leader of the party with the largest number of MPs will form the government, chair Cabinet meetings and be the overall coordinator of government.

Whereas the Yes-Yes referendum has received some support, the PSC Chairman Abdikadir Mohammed discouraged the proposal, saying it would lead to a more divided country.

He said the revelation by the Committee of Experts (CoE) that the country is equally divided between a Presidential and Parliamentary systems means that any outcome constitution would result to one substantive aggrieved side. He warned of heated campaigns synonymous to 2005.

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