
Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The US government has hinted that it will issue more travel bans in coming weeks against corrupt prominent persons frustrating the Kenya's reform agenda.

US Ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger said the US is committed to supporting the reform agenda in Kenya and anyone opposed to reforms is unwelcome in the US.

"We may take additional actions in the coming weeks regarding persons who are not welcome to travel to the United States," said Ranneberger.

The US has previously issued travel ban to former Police Commissioner now Post Master General, Hussein Ali, Attorney General Amos Wako and some ministers.

Addressing the press, Ranneberger said the US government will continue to support implementation of reforms in Kenya.

The Ambassador hailed the crucial role played by the civil society, the private sector, and religious groups in the implementation of the reform agenda.

Ranneberger said the US encourages and supports civil society activities citing a national youth forum sponsored by the Embassy where 700 delegates representing 66 youth organization groups met in Nairobi last year as part of a broader process of propelling domestic-driven pressure for implementation of reforms.

The Ambassador said they had launched a youth programme dubbed ‘Yes Youth Can' worth sh3.3 billion as a follow up to the youth forum.

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