
Saturday, December 5, 2009


The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party National Executive Council (NEC) and Parliamentary Group retreat got underway in Mombasa on Saturday morning.

The retreat, attended by Party Leader and Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, is expected to, among other things, discuss and forge a common view on to a seek common ground on issues dividing them, including the Harmonized Draft Constitution and the Mau evictions.

The meeting is however expected to be stormy following the internal wrangles that have threatened to tear the party apart.

The closed door meeting, held at Mombasa's Wild Waters hotel, is attended by several cabinet ministers but has been boycotted by allies of Deputy Party Leader and Agriculture Minister, William Ruto.

Tourism Minister, Najib Balala, is among those absent from the meeting held in his political turf which will culminate on Sunday with a public rally at Tononoka grounds in his Mvita constituency.

In his place, Kisauni legislator Hassan Joho is leading the ODM brigade a move observers say is aimed at checking Balala's influence at the coast.

Ruto, Balala and several MPs from Rift Valley who have criticized the PM over his hard-line stance on the Mau forest evictions were scheduled to hold a parallel rally in the vast province.

Ministers attending the retreat include Party Chairman and Industrialization Minister, Henry Kosgei, Higher Education Minister, Sally Kosgei, Immigration Minister, Otieno Kajwag, Cooperative Development and Marketing Minister, Joseph Nyaga, Public Service Minister, Dalmas Otieno, and Lands Minister, James Orengo.

Others are East African Community minister, Amason Kingi, Regional Development Minister, Fred Gumo, and Medical Services Minister, Anyang Nyongo.

On Tuesday, 11 political parties said they had agreed on a common stand on the divisive parts of the constitution such as the powers of the President and Prime Minister and devolution of power.

The parties include: DP, Narc-Kenya, Safina, Ford Kenya, UDM, New Ford Kenya, Kaddu, ODM Kenya, PNU among others.

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