
Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The parliamentary committee on education has dug into the Free Primary Education funds scam and announced it will commence investigations next week.

The committee will look into allegations of the embezzlement of the education funds, the delays of disbursement of the funds to schools accounts and the inappropriate disbursement of infrastructure cash in favor of some regions.

Top on their agenda is to investigate claims that some schools have gone with no funds for the better part of the year, this blamed on the rising numbers of school drop outs.

Also in the agenda is to look into claims of delays of disbursement of money to schools accounts.

The committee will also be probing why there has been an unfair distribution of infrastructure funds in favor of some regions.

With this and other facts in hand, the committee will then table the report on the floor of the house once parliament resumes.

The committee is calling upon the KACC to move with speed to bring to book those behind the scandal while also appealing to the public to send any information to the committee that will assist them to bring the matter to a close.

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