
Friday, December 25, 2009

Mwai Kibaki has today urged Coastal leaders and area residents to forge unity in stamping out the drug menace in the region.

President Kibaki noted that eradication of drug abuse in the region called for concerted efforts and determination between leaders and wananchi in order to secure the potential and future of the area's children.

President Kibaki made the remarks today at State House, Mombasa after hosting several local choirs and troupes of dancers who presented lively Christmas carols. Also present was the First Lady Mama Lucy Kibaki and other family members.

He affirmed that drug abuse was responsible for poor levels of education in the region and would eventually, hinder government's targeted rate of development in the area.

The President said, "The local community has the power to stamp out the menace by exploring locally applicable solutions."

During the occasion, the Head of State expressed his desire and commitment to ensure that all Kenyan communities co-exist and live harmonioulsy.

President Kibaki noted that the foundation of any country's development is love and unity and urged Kenyans to safeguard the peace the country has enjoyed since independence.

"During the new year Kenyans must focus on laying a firm foundation for the nation based on love and dedication to improving their living standards."

He urged Kenyans to avoid animosity and unnecessary divisions that hinder accelerated development and government's efforts to push the country to higher levels of prosperity as well as to accord wananchi decent livelihoods.

The President noted that while the government remained committed to equitable development in all parts of the country, Kenyans must, however, take advantage of the enlarged East African Commuity market with an estimated population of about 120 million people.

During the colourful Christmas Carols, several choirs and troupes of dancers drawn from the entire Coast Province belted Christians hymns in harmonized tones in the accompaniment of instrumentals that entertained the First family, cabinet ministers, assistant ministers, legislators and senior government officials among other invited guests.

Christmas is an annual holiday that, for Christians, commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and it is celebrated on December 25.

A Christmas carol (song or hymn) whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas are traditionally sung in the period before Christmas.

Among choirs that presented inspiring and soul nourishing musical items during the thrilling event included Ecumenical Choir with thrilling items such as "O come Emmanuel" and "Leo Yatimizwa."

Other presentations by the group and affiliated partners included "O holy Night" and "Natufurahi siku ya leo".

A presentation by the SOS Children Choir with their song "Christian Medly" won acclamations from the gathering while another performance by a group called 'The Villagers' with a song called "Go tell the mountains" was applauded by the guests.

Other lively items were performed by St Marks Rabai dancers who entertained the First Family and other guests with a Rabai Folk Song while the Kenya Ports Autority Choir presented a song titled "Kuzaliwa kwa Bwana Wetu."

In attendance were several cabinet ministers, assistant ministers, legislators, senior government officials among other invited guests.

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