
Sunday, December 27, 2009


Gichugu MP Martha Karua has joined those opposed to the payment of the big shots who own land in the controversial Mau forest.
She said the exercise was being turned into a cash cow by politicians, who want to 'steal from the public.’

“The bid to resettle the genuine squatters of Mau and IDPs has been turned into a gold mine. That is why everyone wants to control the process and mint money,” said the former Justice minister.

She went on: “It is being used as an opportunity to steal from public coffers... Let Kenyans not be deceived that Parliament authorised compensation.”

Ms Karua said although parliament passed the Mau report, with amendments obliging the government to pay the land owners, the decision was not binding.

She explained that the contentious clause only stipulated that the government only follows the law in implementing the report.

The Gichugu MP said from the look of things, it appeared as if the government 'wanted to twist the law’ for their own benefits.

“Parliament, through the motion, cannot amend the law. It did not amend any law. If the law is followed, very few people will be compensated,” she said.

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