
Monday, December 7, 2009

Annan and Graca meet with Kibaki

Mwai Kibaki Monday at his Harambee House Office met and held discussions with former United Nations Secretary-General Dr. Koffi Annan.

Accompanying the former UN Secretary General during the meeting was the wife to former South African President Nelson Mandela, Mrs. Graca Machel who is also a member of the African Panel of Eminent Personalities.

During the discussions President Kibaki briefed them on the progress the country has made in the implementation of various reforms intended to safeguard the gains made in the realization of a stable, peaceful and democratic nation.

President Kibaki noted that the Coalition Government was committed to the implementation of critical reforms in various institutions as evidenced by the publication and release of the Draft Constitution for public debate.

The Head of State expressed Government's determination to ensure that a new constitutional dispensation is attained by next year.

President Kibaki further appraised Dr. Annan on the progress made on reforms outlined under Agenda item four agreed upon under the National Accord particularly land reforms which are being addressed by the National Land Policy recently approved by the Cabinet and adopted by Parliament.

President Kibaki said the National Land Policy took into account the linkages between land use, environmental conservation, forestry and water resources.

Other institutional transformations that are ongoing include the implementation of police reforms as outlined in the Rtd Judge Phillip Ransley's report as well as streamlining the functioning of the judiciary by adopting a sector-wide approach in the justice sector.

On efforts to ensure equitable and balanced development across all regions of the country, the President said the Government was determined to realize community empowerment through increased devolved public fund allocations for both social and income-generating programmes.

In attendance were Head of Public Service and Secretary to the Cabinet Amb. Francis Muthaura among other senior Government officials.

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