
Monday, October 26, 2009

Top Official banned

Another high ranking government official has been banned from stepping on US soil.

US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson said three other officials could also have their visas revoked for opposing reforms in the country.

While announcing the travel ban, Carson said the US government is closely monitoring the pace of implementation of reforms and will not hesitate to take stern action against government officials it deems are frustrating the process.

The visiting US envoy said the US will pile pressure on the government until it implements reforms contained in Agenda four.

"We are considering similar action with three other government officials," said Carson.

"We will not do business as usual with those who do not support reforms ... those who support violence," he said.

Without revealing names, he described the politician as a "senior government official of influence".

He said the individual had "obstructed the reform process, failed to end the cycle of impunity and has been an obstacle in the fight against corruption".

Last month Mr Carson sent a letter to 15 officials warning them they faced travel bans if they failed to support the "reform agenda".

This latest development may well provoke another diplomatic spat between Nairobi and Washington.

Last month Kenya protested to the US over the latter's audacity to author letters to senior government officials urging them to support the reform process or face serious

Carson however commended parliamentarians for the rejection of the reappointment of former KACC director Aaron Ringera as well as the recent reforms in the police department terming it as a head start.

He further advised Kenyans to make their desires clear to the country's leadership and thus can hold them accountable in the fu

Carson's visit comes ahead of ICC'S Luis Moreno-Ocampo's visit next month.

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