
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rift Valley arms?

The government has dismissed claims that youth groups in some parts of the Rift Valley are arming themselves ahead of the 2012 general elections.

Government spokesman Dr. Alfred Mutua says the reports in a section of the media are unfounded and alarming.

He said the government will also undertake a disarmament exercise in the region to ensure that no Kenyans are in possession of illegal arms.

Elsewhere agriculture Minister William Ruto has dismissed as "rumors" claims by a section of the media that youths in certain regions of the country are being armed to cause mayhem during the 2012 general elections.

The Minister said that the people peddling the rumour were out to cause anxiety and social unrest and urged wananchi to ignore the allegations and concentrate on development issues.

"Those talking about some youths arming themselves are causing this country a great disservice," Ruto, who is also the Eldoret North Member of Parliament, said.

He further urged wananchi to resist the temptation to create a ‘phantom" about the issue and redirect their energies in doing something constructive.

Ruto at the same time called on the Minister for internal security to order investigations on the matter in order to ally any fears raised by the allegations.

The minister was alluding to media reports quoting the International Media alleging that certain communities in parts of Rift Valley province had embarked on a gun buying spree in readiness for possible confrontations in 2012.

Apart from that, the minister singled out hunger as the main threat to peaceful co-existence between different communities in the country.

Ruto, who spoke Thursday at his Kilimo House office, advised that agriculture should be used as a tool of not only ensuring food security but of alleviating poverty and promoting peace.

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