
Monday, October 19, 2009

Raila to address Kenyatta day celebrations

Raila Odinga has arrived in Paris, France for a three-day official visit that will see him hold meetings with senior French Government officials and Kenyans living in the country.

Among the officials he is scheduled to meet is the PM of the Republic of France Mr Francois Fillon and Mr Bernard Kouchner, the Minister for Foreign and European Affairs.

The PM will on Tuesday hold discussions with Mr Jean-Michel Severino, the director general of the French Agency for Development.

He will also hold talks with Prince Karim Aga Khan IV.

Mr Odinga, who arrived in Paris on Sunday evening from China will meet the Kenyan community and address them on Kenyatta Day where he is expected to update the citizens on developments in Kenya, particularly the reform agenda.

Raila holds that the country is on track with the reform agenda.

He will use the Kenyatta Day meeting with Kenyans to lay out some of the achievements the Grand Coalition government has achieved under difficult circumstances.

While here, the PM will also address a conference on renewable energy and climate change in Africa

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