
Saturday, October 17, 2009


Raila Odinga tops the presidential race if elections were to be held today.

According to a survey by the Synovate research group the findings of the survey place Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka second with 14 per cent, 17 points behind Raila and Uhuru Kenyatta comes in third with 10 per cent.

The survey conducted between 5th and 13th of this month placed Prime Minister Raila Odinga on the lead with 31 percent ahead of his closest challenger Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka who has 14 percent.

The Synovate group survey which was conducted amongst 2005 respondents placed Uhuru Kenyatta in third place with 10 per cent and Martha Karua fourth with 8 per cent.

The report also indicates that the coalition government was gaining acceptance amongst Kenyans with figures currently at 49 per cent up from 33 per cent in 2008.

The government's score card was however poor in addressing food security with 80 per cent of the respondent faulting the approach it is employing in handling the situation.

According to the survey, Kenyans are also dissatisfied with the fight against corruption in the public sector, poverty, unemployment and insecurity.

The government however received an accolade on education, health and development of infrastructure.

The media is still the darling of Kenyans in public trust followed by the speaker of the national assembly.

On dealing with the post-election violence perpetrators, PNU was found to favour the Hague option while ODM is for reconciliation.

More positively, the rate of crime incidents around the country was at its lowest ever at a figure of 8per cent down from 17 per cent in the previous quarter.

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