
Monday, October 19, 2009


A total of 336,633 form four candidates are currently rehearsing for the examinations which begin on Wednesday.

This year's exam has been designed to have the exams end at 2pm in a bid to curb cheating.

It is the first time the time- table will be in use.

Students will now enjoy only a 30 minute break as opposed to the previous years which saw candidates take long breaks before the next paper.

Current rains pounding across the country have sent fear that some areas may exipirience delay in delovery of papers owing to impassible roads.

IDP candidates who were recently relocated from camps where they had registered have also expressed doubts that will manage to sit the exams.

Meanwhile, Bureti District Education Officer (DEO) William Okomu said 41 centers expected to host the KCSE candidates in Bureti District have been established.

The Education official also said that examination materials had already been received in the district and that the rehearsal programme was currently on going.

He however warned students against cheating in the exams adding that those caught engaging in the act will be dealt with accordingly.

The exams which are expected to officially start on the 21st of this month have seen students banned from entering the exam rooms with mobile phones.

Elsewhere, around 5337 standard eight candidates are set to sit for this year's national examinations in the district.

Preparations for this year's Kenya certificate of secondary examination (KCSE) in the expansive rift valley province are complete.

The Rift valley provincial director of education Mrs. Beatrice Adu in her nakuru office Monday said that all arrangement in terms of logistics, transport of examination papers and officials to their respective centres in the province are complete.

She said all officers had assured her that everything so far was in order.

The PDE however, expressed fear that if the current heavy rains continue some areas might be inaccessible and alternative arrangement will have to be made to ensure that no candidate was disadvantaged.

Mrs. Adu said so far no part of the province had been adversely affected by the current rains associated with El-nino phenomena.

She cited some of the districts likely to be affected if the current rains continue or increase in quantity as Turkana, West pokot, Trans Nzoia, Bomet and Kajiado.

Others are Loitoktok, Baringo and Samburu.

She however, assured parents and candidates that nothing had been left to chance just in case the rains cause any problem.

She said enough vehicles and personnel are in place in every district to ensure that examination papers reach their destination on time and that no cheating takes place

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