
Sunday, October 4, 2009


It is the responsibility of Kenyans to seek solutions to challenges facing them through home grown strategies that is acceptable to all citizens, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has said.

Mr. Musyoka said that it is time Kenyans appreciate their ability to address issues affecting them to the best interest of the nation.

"We cannot expect our partners to run this country for us. Let us avoid impression that there is a lot of tension in the country, we have ability to engage in healthy discussion and reach a consensus on the way forward", he added.

He stressed that it was wrong for the country to think that the solution to problems affecting the country would be from outside and urged Kenyans to be proud of their country as a sovereign state just like any other in the world.

The Vice President was speaking Sunday at the African Inland Church, Thigio in Limuru during a funds drive towards the church projects.

Mr. Musyoka commended Dr. Koffi Annan and group of Africa's eminent persons together with other friendly countries for their efforts towards restoring peace in the country after the disputed 2007 elections results.

The Vice President called on the media to focus more on matters beneficial to the country instead of concentrating on issues that could tarnish the country's image internationally and breed animosity amongst Kenyans.

Mr. Musyoka said it was time Kenyans reconcile and forgive one another and forge ahead in pursuit of peace, unity and national prosperity.

He reiterated the government is committed to resettling Internally Displaced Persons before the onset of heavy rains that is expected soon.

On the Constitution review process, the Vice President called on various religious faith to embrace dialogue, noting that a common ground would be realized through consensus and contentious issues resolved amicably.

Mr. Musyoka added that the country will continue to uphold the freedom of worship irrespective of any particular religious faith.

Area Member of Parliament, Peter Muathi, called on the committee of experts on the constitution review process not to discriminate against views presented by Kenyans but to consider all opinions regardless of their origin.

Mr. Muathi rooted for Presidential system of government, saying Kenyans would be subjected to electing a ceremonial President in a Parliamentary system thus going against their expectations.

The MP said Kenya will not tolerate lectures on governance from development partners but would welcome positive criticism that would help in the realization of true reforms beneficial to the country.

Other speakers included, Machakos town Member of Parliament, Dr. Victor Munyaka, his Mwala Counterpart Rev Dan Muoki and Igembe South MP, Peter M'mithiaro among others.

Earlier, the Vice President joined other worshipers for a Sunday Service at the Church compound. The sermon was delivered by Bishop Geoffrey Gichure of Central Area Church Council assisted by Pastor Samuel Mbogua of the Church.

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