
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fight Tribalism

Kalonzo Musyoka has urged church organizations to support the Government's efforts in the fight against negative ethnicity in the country.

Musyoka said there was need for Christians to continue praying for peace and stability to prevail in the country.

"We need serious prayer spirit of love and forgiveness if peace and stability have to be realized in this country,'' said Mr. Musyoka.

The VP said the recent post elections violence had divided Kenyans on tribal and political affiliations, noting that there was need for church organizations to preach peace and reconciliation among the people for the sake of the future of the country.

Speaking in Makueni district during a fund drive in aid of Mwaani Girls secondary school on Friday, Mr. Musyoka assured Kenyans that the Government was doing everything possible to restore peace and stability in the areas recently hit by post election violence.

The VP said the Government has put in place proper security measures aimed at containing insecurity witnessed in some parts of the country, noting that some reports that communities in Rift Valley were arming themselves were not credible.

He urged the media to stop dwelling on inflammatory statements which may scare investors from investing in the country.

He urged leaders to be at the forefront in the search for lasting solutions to problems facing Kenyans instead of issuing inflammatory statements aimed at causing fear among the peace loving Kenyans.

Mr. Musyoka had earlier addressed residents at Mukuyuni trading centre where he distributed seeds for planting ahead of the expected El Nino rains.

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