
Monday, September 21, 2009

Muthaura to Ringera-"Carry your own cross"

Civil Service chief Francis Muthaura on Monday avoided commenting on the raging debate about the reappointment of the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission director Aaron Ringera

Mr Muthaura who was answering questions from journalists at the Kenya Institute of Administration after the official opening of African Association of Public Administration and Management said "he [Ringera] can speak for himself".

Pressed for more answers, Mr Muthaura said: "Has Ringera made any statement? Ask him the questions because I am sure he has the answers".

Parliament last week declared illegal President Kibaki's unilateral decision reappointing Mr Ringera and two of his deputies for another term. Also reappointed with Mr Ringera were assistant directors Smokin Wanjala and Fatuma Sichale. Dr Wanjala resigned from KACC on Friday following the controversy.

Mr Muthaura, who was with Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi, said Justice (retired) Ringera was the only one who can speak on the controversial matter of his rejection by Parliament even though he was reappointed by the President.

Mr Mudavadi also skirted a direct reaction to the rejection of Justice Ringera saying "it is not something we want to talk about here."

No rules of compliance

But when addressing participants at the workshop Mr Mudavadi said collective responsibility which was the subject of discussion in Parliament during debate on Mr Ringera had no standard rules of compliance.

He said that collective responsibility had different meanings in military regimes, single party governments, multi-party and grand coalition systems. \

"In Kenya the issue of collective responsibility was at crossroads because its real meaning appeared to change in various systems of government. That is what you as government and management scholars should let us understand after the five days you will be here," Mr Mudavadi said.

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