
Monday, September 28, 2009


Mwai Kibaki has said the government will continue upholding freedom of worship and forge stronger partnerships with religious organisations in the interest of the common good.

President Kibaki pointed out that his government recognised the importance of freedom of worship which has enabled Kenyans to attend to spiritual matters in accordance with their religious affiliation.

The President was speaking at the Stanley Hotel in Nairobi during a luncheon he hosted in honour of the Muslim community as they marked the end of the Holy month of Ramadhan and Sita.

President Kibaki applauded the Muslim community for their commitment to the wellbeing of the country and for their contribution to national development.

The Head of State at the same time urged all Kenyans to strengthen inter-religious partnership in fostering peace and harmony in the country, the region and beyond.

"As Kenyans we have a common purpose. We must, therefore, join hands to promote peace and cooperation among ourselves in order to build a strong, stable and prosperous nation," President Kibaki said.

The President once again appealed to the public to sow the seeds of love and harmony and continue living together as one family in order to achieve justice and prosperity for the nation.

President Kibaki assured all Muslims and other faithful in Kenya of his government's cooperation in their activities aimed at supporting national development.

"I wish to assure all Muslims and other faithful in Kenya that my Government appreciates the role they play in uplifting the spiritual and general welfare of Kenyans," President Kibaki said.

"As we observe this important festivity, I urge all faithful to dedicate their energies and prayers to the wellbeing of our country," the President added.

Congratulating the Muslim community for successfully going through the Ramadhan and Sita fasting, the President thanked them for the commitment they demonstrated to the less fortunate in society through gifts, alms and donations during the month of Ramadhan.

"I urge all Kenyans to emulate our Muslim brothers and sisters and similarly assist each other," the Head of State said.

As the Muslims prepare for Hajj festivities, President Kibaki appealed to them to continue praying for the country and assisting the less fortunate members of the society.

Other speakers at the luncheon included Tourism Minister Najib Balala, Defence Minister Yussuf Mohammed Haji, National Heritage and Culture Minister William Ole Ntimama and SUPKEM National Chairman Prof. Abdulghafur El-Busaidy who talked against the interference of the country's internal affairs by foreign envoys.

The luncheon was attended by several ministers, assistant ministers and leaders from other religions among others.

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