
Friday, September 11, 2009

Ali Punjabi donates 6 M

A fundraiser in aid of residents of Faza Island in Lamu whose houses were gutted in a fire over the weekend has raised nearly Sh65 million.

The event held at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) on Friday was presided over by President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga who urged Kenyans to always be ready to support those who are befallen by calamities.

“We are all aware of the gravity of the tragedy that occurred in the area but it is upon us to rectify the things that go wrong around us; we must all be ready to assist our brothers because no one will come from outside to help except for us,” said the President.

Prime Minister Raila Odinga announced that the government, in conjunction with the Kenya Red Cross, had dispatched architects, town planners and quantity surveyors to the village to re-plan and give it a new life with modern housing.

“The fire that burned this village was the fourth one in the recent period. This history is what has forced the government to intervene and rehabilitate the Island`s housing and change its face forever. There is need to re-design the village and use modern roofing material instead of Makuti,” said the PM.

He added that the island would also benefit from improved infrastructure. "The Government’s decision to construct a second port in Lamu will bring immense benefits and boost the economy of the area."
The PM said each house "passed the baton of fire to the next" because of how they were constructed and the lack of space between them.

He asked the dwellers to co-operate fully with the government officers sent to redesign the village and give it a new look, with modern, iron roofing.

Last weekend’s fire razed about 450 homes on the island leaving at least 2,300 people homeless, according to governments and Red Cross officials on the ground.

Mr Odinga said the government has dispatched food to the region, including 900 bags of rice, 250 bags of maize, over 800 blankets, mosquito nets and bars of soap.

Mombasa businessman Ali Punjabi gave his personal donation of Sh6 million.

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