
Thursday, August 27, 2009

By-Elections ODM Protests

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has complained of alleged massive violations of the electoral conduct ahead in the Shinyalu and Bomachoge by elections.

In a letter addressed to IIEC chairman Ahmed Isaack Hassan, party secretary general Anyang Nyongo cited a number of violations to the electoral law and the provisions of the political parties act.

In the letter, ODM alleged a senior government official in Shinyalu who hails from Bomachoge had met presiding officers swapped from Bomachoge allegedly to assist a PNU candidate.

They also alleged elections officials in Bomachoge had been compromised besides voter buying, an allegations dismissed by the local electoral coordinator, Mr Thomas Ingolo.

They also condemned the arson attack at the IIEC offices in Gucha where 80 ballot boxes used in the last general election were destroyed.

Addressing the press in Ogembo, Bobasi MP Chris Obure said the arson attack was perpetrated by individuals keen to destroy the election materials to be used in the Thursday poll.

"We have confidence in the IIEC and as a party, we condemn this attack. We are aware of widespread voter buying going on and such unlawful acts should be condemned," Obure said.

Ugenya MP James Orengo said the election process was important both before and after the polling day noting that the attack at the offices was regrettable.

He said election offences should be dealt with immediately during the polls under the direction of the commission.

"Election material has to be secured at all times. We are aware the commission does not have full time security but we want full disclosure on what happened. The Kilgoris petition could not go on due to destruction of election materials and this should not happen again," Orengo said.

The head of ODM secretariat Mrs Janet Ongera demanded that the provincial administration provides level playing ground for all political parties.

"We are asking where the security forces were when this was happening. We want a statement from the commission on this," she said.

Meanwhile, security was heightened during the Bomachoge by election.

The officer in-charge of police operations in Nyanza, Mr Willy Lugusa said adequate security arrangements were in place at polling stations and around the constituency.

A combined force comprised of GSU, AP and regular police intensified patrols across the constituency ahead of the polls.

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