
Friday, May 15, 2020

Unity Government


The Party’s top leadership and parliamentary leadership in both the Senate and National Assembly held an informal meeting this afternoon under the chairmanship of party leader Raila Odinga to review and upraise the latest developments in light of the Covid 19 Pandemic.

 The Party and its members will continue to support and supplement the Government’s efforts towards containment of the disease and speedy return to normalcy.

 It is imperative that as we look forward to a return to some form of normalcy the Government quickly embarks on a recovery strategy that will assuage the damage visited on the People and our Economy by the Pandemic.

Further measures must be put in place to cushion the most vulnerable in society. We further urge the government to pay special attention to the situation at our Borders with Tanzania and the evolving situation with health care workers who threaten to go on strike so that we do not excercebate an already bad situation.

Edwin Sifuna
Secretary General

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