
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Crazy analysis on poll rigging

By L. Mutuma

I wanted to post the list of 524 polling stations that I've found to have a mismatch between turnout for president vs MCA candidates. And I'm talking about a difference of 5 and above per stream; less than 5 can be an error.
And I've only checked the first 14 counties.

Then I realised, why bother. So I went to something more interesting: like the annoyingly high number of rejected voters. Turns out it's a (probably harmless) mistake. For some reason, in at least 142 polling stations - again, in the 14 counties I've checked - for most of them the system posted the number of registered voters in the rejected votes column. Maybe the POs filled the wrong details. I don't know. But that really inflated the number of rejected votes. I feel I should invoice someone for that. 

On the issue of voter turnout mismatch, I do have to recognise some players for their exemplary performance:

Position 3 goes to stream 2 in KITHARE PRIMARY SCHOOL, Meru county. This award is in recognition of the extra 94 people that voted only for the president (448 for the pres against 354 for the MCA)

Position 2 goes to stream 01 in KINGORANI PRISON (JELA BARIDI) center (001006002904701). 
This one is strange, I have to say. And hard to explain. There were only 9 voters registered according to form 34A. However, IEBC shows there are 430 registered voters. It gets even weirder. In that same stream, 228 people voted for MCA yet the IEBC officials there claim it was a prison and only 9 inmates voted for president. They even signed as such in the Form 34A. So a lot of people were realizing they are not inmates just after voting for the president. 

Stream 2 of same voting centre registered normal numbers. 

FYI: There is a separate centre for Kingorani prison (49292145100501) with 9 registered voters.
Hii tuseme tu ni mapepo. If someone can help me explain better, please feel free

And position 1 goes to ... drum roll ...
Polling Station 1 in Diiso Primary (007031015504101). Theirs was an amazing thing. One, an extra 305! people turned out to vote for the president only, i.e. 549 against MCA's 244. Well, it gets better. 100% of the 549 voted for the same presidential candidate. Well, that's hardly anything. Now guess the number of registered voters in that station ... 549!
100% of the registered voters turned up in that 1 polling station
Also consider the next *stream* in your prayers.Unfortunately only 347 out of the registered 550 turned up. And some had even the guts to vote for other presidential candidates. Sellouts

My opinion: I don't know if these make any difference at all in the grand scheme of things. So don't go quoting these as proof of anything.


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