
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Please Read yo the end

here was a guy that was
born with cancer. A cancer
that has no known cure. He
was 17 years old and could
die at any moment. He was
always at home, under his
mother’s care.
One day he decided to go
out, even if it was just
once. He asked his mother
for permission and she
agreed. Walking down his
block he saw many stores.
Stopping at a music store
he looked in and saw a very
pretty girl of his own age, it
was love at first sight and
he walked in. He walked up
to the counter were the girl
was. She smiled at him and
asked “Can I help you with
The guy could only think
that it was the most
beautiful smile he had ever
seen and stuttered, “Well,
ummm, I’d like to buy a…
“. He grabbed the first one
he saw and gave her the
money. “Do you want me to
wrap it?” the smiling girl
asked. The guy said yes and
the girl went into the back
room to wrap it. The guy
took the wrapped CD and
walked home.
From that day on he visited
the music store everyday,
and each day he bought a
CD. And each day the girl
wrapped them up and the
guy stored them unopened
in his closet. He was a very
shy boy, and although he
tried he couldn’t find the
nerve to ask the girl out.
His mother noticed this and
encouraged him.
The next day the guy set
out for the store with a
determined mind, like the
previous days he bought a
CD and the girl wrapped it
as usual. While she was
busy he left his telephone
on the counter and rushed
out of the store.
The following day the guy
didn’t visit the store, and
the girl called him. His
mother answered the
phone, wondering who it
could be. It was the girl
from the music store! She
asked to speak with her son
and his mother started
crying. The girl asked her
what was the matter.
“Don’t you know? He died
yesterday.” There was a
long silence on the phone.
Later that afternoon the
guy’s mother entered his
room to remember her son.
She decided to start with
his closet, and to her
surprised she saw a big pile
of unopened CDs wrapped in
festive paper. She was
curious because there were
so many of them, and she
opened one. As she tore
open the package she
noticed a slip of paper that
said: “Hi! You’re cute, I
would love to meet you.
Let’s go out some time.
Sophie” The mother
started crying as she
opened another, and
another, and another. Every
single CD contained a slip of
paper that said the same.
Moral of the story:
That’s the way life is,
don’t wait to show those
special people the way you
feel, tomorrow could be too

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