
Friday, September 25, 2015


The Jubilee administration has a choice to make in regard to the direction it wishes to take the country.
Jubilee can choose a fair and just application of the law, in which the law is blind to tribe, race, party affiliation and personal ties and friendships.
Alternatively, Jubilee can apply the law selectively, targeting tribe, race, real or imagined enemies and party affiliation while at the same time fa vouring personal friendships; in the manner has been doing.
The choices Jubilee makes will have serious consequences for all.
So far, Jubilee has proved to be deaf to threats to the rule of law committed by its stalwarts and personal friends. That is why Moses Kuria has been insulting all and sundry, including the Leader of the Opposition Hon Raila Odinga since last year, and still roams the land free and protected. Kuria roams free even after calling on people to arm themselves and kill opponents of President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Mutahi Ngunyi is free, despite consistent spewing of venom on the person of Hon Raila Odinga and the entire Luo community.
Mutahi Ngunyi has published words that clearly have the potential to spur target communities to fighting if the leaders did not call for restraint.
On a similar vein of preferential application of the law, Devolution Cabinet Secretary Mrs Anne Waiguru remains in office despite presiding over theft of billions of public funds as head of IFMIS and at the NYS.
Mrs Waiguru continues to stay in office against all principles and values spelt out in the Constitution.
She remains in office despite lying to the public that no money was lost. She continues to use public resources to defend herself when her colleagues like Mrs Charity Ngilu, Mr. Michael Kamau, Felix Koskei and Marriane Keittany, among others, are out fighting to clear their names in court, using personal resources.
And State House, whose interest in Anne Waiguru remains mysterious and baffling, continues to use public resources and MPs to defend Waiguru. We did not see this mobilization of MPs in support of Ngilu, Kamau or Felix Koskei. They were simply shoved aside, and Jubilee MPs praised the President for doing it.
That means the Waiguru was involved in a cover up and conspiracy to subvert the course of justice. What justifies Waiguru’s continuation in office while other suspects have been shoved aside?
Mrs Waiguru has betrayed all provisions of the constitution on National Values and principles including good governance, integrity, transparency and accountability. The president, by playing ball with Waiguru and refusing to suspend her, is displaying favouritism and nepotism. He is enjoined with Mrs Waiguru in this betrayal of these principles and national values of our constitution.
He must be told so in clear terms.
We ask President Kenyatta to divorce extraneous considerations in the management of the country and ensure all his actions are backed by a sense of justice, fairness to all and adherence to the law.
We warn Jubilee that the utterances of its leaders and the selective application of the law constitute a serious threat to the stability of the nation. Jubilee is driving Kenya to the edge.
As the leadership of this coalition has stated before, we refuse to be intimidated. We repeat that we turned the other cheek in 2013, at no one time shall we ever, ever turn the other cheek again. Let that be clear. We are ready.
We stand with Senator Johnstone Muthama in demanding to be told what is special about Anne Waiguru and why she is being protected from corruption investigations.
The country is clearly heading to the dogs. We therefore stand with Senator Muthama in his call on Kenyans to be ready to die for their rights. The rights are not granted by the State.
Nkaissery’s purported call for the arrest of Senator Muthama flies in the face of our hard earned constitution. It is not the CS duty to call for investigations and arrest of suspects. This is the domain of the DPP. We dare the unscrupulous Jubilee Mps to arrest Sen Muthama and face the wrath of the country.
Finally, we know why Jubilee MPs are being mobilized and paid to defend corrupt individuals and a failing regime. They are trying to run away from teachers pay and they are being paid to address press conferences telling teachers there is no money.
We maintain the government has the money to pay the teachers.
CORD has formed a team working under Hon. John Mbadi, to propose amendments to the appropriations Act and adjust non-priority areas in the 2015/16 annual budget to make funds available to TSC to pay our hardworking teachers. The Amendment Bill shall be ready for tabling when Parliament reconvenes next week.
We challenge the incompetent Jubilee administration to quickly render our Ushirikiano paybill number irrelevant by paying our teachers immediately.

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