
Monday, August 31, 2015


The attention of the party has been drawn to media reports that ODM elections in Migori County have been marred by violence which has claimed two lives.
Sections of the media have also claimed that there is low turn-out in the grassroots elections.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The two deaths in Migori County have nothing to do with ODM elections. Police in the County have confirmed that the deaths resulted from criminal acts that had nothing to do with party elections. Police have equally confirmed the victims had criminal records for which they were being sought by police.
The media owes it to the people of Kenya and Migori County in particular to correct the wrong picture they have painted.
Equally wrong is the report that the party elections have attracted low interest. There is massive interest in the elections. I have personally received pictures of winding queues of people waiting patiently and peacefully to elect their leaders at the village and constituency levels.
The grassroots elections are being held in six other counties including Vihiga, Kajiado, Kilifi, Marsabit and Wajir, in addition to Migori. So far it is a huge success.
I wish to appeal to all ODM supporters to continue with the sobriety they have shown so far and prove our critics wrong. Our opponents in Jubilee had expected a bloodbath.
We have proved them wrong and we must continue proving them wrong as we pick County officials tomorrow.
I assure party supporters that we are on the right path and we must stay on that path. It is our hope that the other parties like TNA and URP, among others, will also follow our example and announce their elections. These Jubilee parties are thriving on structures that ODM left behind across the country. This is fraud. It is time Jubilee parties held elections.
AUGUST 31, 2015.

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