
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Corridors Of Power

Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua

Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua
August 28, 2015
Banking fraud officials are wondering where a Cabinet Secretary has suddenly found Sh200 million, which is in the minister’s account. Officials from the anti-fraud unit were drawn to the case by the bank, where the CS’s account is domiciled and have informed their bosses, who apparently do not know what to do. The CS is well-known – and powerful.


A senator’s wife had to bribe several members of a tender committee in a parastatal for her to get a tender to supply furniture. The woman had bid for the multimillion-shilling tender but since the competition was too stiff, she decided to open her wallet to influence things her way.


The expose on the illegal hiring of 150 staff at the National Land Commission has sent the institution into a panic mode as it emerged that NLC senior staff recently held a meeting at a popular city hotel to strategise on how to implicate the commissioners. This comes amid claims the commission should be dissolved for failing to realise any meaningful land reforms as land grabbing continues across the country.


A Wiper MP was heard detailing how they intend to deal with Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua. The lawmaker said they will ensure the outspoken governor is not elected to any seat, including that of MCA. Reason? Opposing Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, who the MP described as the Kamba supremo. According to the legislator, power blinds and makes people feel all important. He made the statement in reference to Mutua’s alleged presidential dream.
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