
Saturday, July 4, 2015



The writing on the wall for the crumbling Jubilee administration is clear for all to see; the much-hyped digital administration is presiding over tech-savvy looting of public funds through high level institutionalized corruption, it has lost the war to petty and sophisticated criminals and has embraced dictatorship as the preferred tool for suffocating divergent views.

Talk is cheap, and it does not get any cheaper than the empty and repeated public pronouncements from the very top of government that there would be no other Goldenberg or Anglo Leasing under Jubilee. To the contrary and in his own admission, President Uhuru Kenyatta has called global attention to pervasive corruption in his office. 

But, for reasons only known to himself, he lacks the courage to name the fat cats. When a President is held hostage by an evil cabal of corruption cartels, the outcome would make Anglo Leasing and Goldenberg look like child play.

But the war on corruption cannot and must not be used as a tool to wage political battles and exclude “outsider” communities from participation in government or protect sacred but corrupt government “insiders”. In dealing with allegations of corruption in high offices, the Uhuru administration must stop playing hide-and-seek with Kenyans. 

It is a pity that statecraft and resources are being mobilized to insulate Devolution CS Anne Waiguru from accountability on suspected shady dealings in her ministry while at the same time unleashing dogs of war on “peripheral” Cabinet Secretaries and other senior government actors on flimsy allegations of corruption. 

This double-speak, outright endorsement and blatant public display of affection for a public servant by State House is the embodiment of leadership failure. When CORD forms government in 2017, we will deliberately build bridges for all Kenyan communities to reach out to each other and embrace one another in national unity without undue regard to ethnicity, creed, region or political leaning.

Let us make this point very clear, we will not drop the demand for Waiguru to either step down or be forced out of office to pave way for proper investigations into the award of tenders and jobs in the Devolution docket. The CORD fraternity and Kenyans in their majority are resolute on this demand.

Under this government’s watch, insecurity has mutated into a living nightmare for virtually everyone in Kenya. The government’s casual and ill-informed approach in what it calls war on terror speaks volumes about the inability of the Uhuru administration to execute the primary mandate of any government –ensuring the safety and security of citizens. A government that cannot protect its people has absolutely lost the moral authority to be in office.

Anyone in search of concrete evidence that this government either does not care or has no clue how to secure its citizens should pay attention to official response to the commercialized and politically instigated cattle rustling escapades in parts of the country and the half-hearted response to rag-tag militias terrorizing Kenyans in rural and urban settings.

Kenya’s development partners have added their voice to public declarations by CORD that local communities are key in any meaningful war on terror. Clamping down on civil society organizations and shouting down religious leaders only serves to suppress expression which in turn fuels violent extremism. 

It is not through isolation that governments confront challenges facing them. This must not be cheapened or misconstrued by praise-singers and poets in the President’s court to imply that we seek inclusion in government. Far from it. In fact, it is a known fact that this government is in office on the strength of a Supreme Court ruling and not on account of popular vote. We in CORD must remind President Uhuru and his deputy that we carry the aspirations of more than half of this country by region and numbers. 

They lost the election in 2013, they have already lost the 2017 elections by a much wider margin.

But even as Kenyans prepare to vote out this government, we must all be alert to machinations by the presidency to reinvent dictatorship and sneak imperial rule into the system through the so called “executive decrees” and “presidential orders”. 

Recent pronouncements from the top including laws gagging the mass media to deny the public free access to information; the presidential memo to Parliament seeking to make the office of the Auditor General subservient to the Public Service Commission; relentless efforts to militarize the Kenyan State and the aborted executive order to 2014 police recruits in blatant disregard of a court case among other moves must put all of us on our guard to reject 21 Century dictatorship by a presidency that cares little about the majority of Kenyans.

It would be a waste of precious time trying to respond to Deputy President William Ruto’s unsolicited advice to CORD principals on our winning formula for the 2017 General Election. Suffice it to say that Ruto has enough personal baggage to grapple with and if appointing himself political adviser to CORD principals would give him some comic relief, then let the self-declared hustler be.

Our motherland needs political salvation hence OKOA Kenya; about which fellow citizens you will be hearing and will be called upon to participate in.

Long Live KENYA!

Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka
Wiper Democratic Movement – Kenya
Party Leader 
And CORD Co Principal

4th July, 2015
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Baxston Nyairo

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