
Friday, July 31, 2015

Range Rover linked to Pastor Ng'ang'a had number plates changed

The Range Rover that was involved in an accident on Sunday at Kiambu police station after a shooting incident in 2013. Photo/COURTESY.
The Range Rover that was involved in an accident on Sunday at Kiambu police station after a shooting incident in 2013. Photo/COURTESY.
The vehicle that was involved in an accident on Sunday. Photo/COURTESY.
The vehicle that was involved in an accident on Sunday. Photo/COURTESY.
July 31, 2015
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The Range Rover that caused a fatal accident on Sunday had its number plate changed by the National Transport and Safety Authority.
The vehicle's previous owner, identified as Alex Kamweru, wrote to the NTSA on Thursday renouncing its ownership following a story published in the media linking him to the Range Rover.
Kamweru said he sold the vehicle to Harrison Nyota Ngunyi on November 22, 2013, who later sold it to Francis Ng'ang'a Mundia of Valley Road Motors.
According to documents seen by the Star, the Range Rover initially registered as KBS 282A, was involved in another fatal accident on August 13, 2013, before Kamweru sold it.
He said he wrote a letter to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to dispose the vehicle registration number KBS 282A as salvage, which was never done.
When contacted, director general of NTSA Francis Meja said they have received the files and would give comment on Friday afternoon.
The vehicle, which is alleged to belong to pastor Ng'ang'a killed Mercy Njeri on Sunday evening. It had KCD 060Q number plates during the accident. The pastor has denied he owns the vehicle.
On Thursday, a journalist who wrote a story claiming the controversial pastor was driving the Range Rover was allegedly kidnaped and beaten.
The journalist shared the story on his Facebook wall from his hospital bed where he is admitted after a cardiac arrest caused by poisoning.
In a conversation seen by the Star between the journalist and his boss, the editor reprimands him for "increasingly becoming cheeky by day and getting away with it."
The boss asks why the journalist shared "something that even the news desk could not touch" on his page.
The journalist said he knew pastor Nganga was driving the car at the time of the accident and the driver who was presented to court was "cosmetic."
Witnesses said the Range Rover Sport was being driven by the pastor, but police denied the reports saying it was driven by Simon Kuria.
Kuria was taken to court on Wednesday and released on Sh100,000 bond.
On Thursday, the IG dispatched a team of investigators led by Internal Affairs director Leo Nyongesa to Tigoni police station to establish the facts about the accident.
Boinett said traffic police officers based in Tigoni will face disciplinary action if found to have given misleading reports about the accident.

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