
Friday, May 22, 2015

Little Girl’s Temper Tantrum at the White House Leaves President Obama Speechless

Yahoo Parenting

It’s awkward enough when your toddler goes into meltdown mode in a crowded store or on an airplane; the dirty looks and side eye from strangers can be pretty unnerving. But what do you do when the crying fit happens in the White House in front of the President and First Lady of the United States?
Apparently you ride it out and try to see the humor in the situation. That’s what the Moser family seemed to do when daughter Claudia had a full-tilt tantrum as the family was preparing for a Passover Seder with the Obamas this past April.
“This really might be the best picture ever; my niece Claudia throwing a fit at Passover,” author Benjamin Moser just tweeted this week, sharing the meltdown with the world. His sister and Claudia’s mom, journalistLaura Moser, also tweeted the photo. “My daughter is an internet meme!” she wrote.
As the photo shows, President Obama kept his cool. He appears to be speechless and slightly bemused by the sight of an adorable little girl with her face buried in the carpet. He is a dad after all, and teen daughters Malia and Sasha’s tantrum days must still be fresh in his memory. 
As for Michelle Obama, she seems to be looking on in sympathy. All parents can relate, and the Mosers and the Obamas are taking it in stride.
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