
Monday, May 18, 2015

Kithure Kindiki to vie for presidency in 2022


Nithi Senator Kithure Kindiki who is also the leader of Majority in the Senate will be vying for Presidency in the 2022 general elections.
Kindiki, who was addressing journalists in a round table meeting in Meru, said he is already preparing himself and mobilising his teams and resources to garner enough support for his bid in Embu, Meru and Tharaka Nithi counties.
He called upon other leaders from Mt Kenya East region who may be interested in the seat to announce their candidature so that at the opportune time, the leaders from the region will sit down and agree to front the strongest candidate for the position.
Kindiki, who further admitted that winning the highest seat in the country is not a walkover but an uphill task that requires commitment and aggressiveness, also said he is waiting for the right moment to make public his announcement.
“I am currently in the forest preparing my ammunition. In the next few weeks I will come out boldly and make the announcement. Politics needs to be approached from a surgical view. Even here at home. Leave alone the unnecessary political utterances, we will spearhead a major operation that will bring things in order,” he said.
When asked whether he is at all interested in the Deputy President’s seat, Kindiki said some people have been grooming him for the position. However, in a move to set the record straight, he said according to the constitution, there are only six elective seats.
“There is no Article in the constitution that says the Deputy President is appointed by the President. Governors', women representatives', Members of Parliament's, ward representatives' and senators' seats are elective positions. Anyone who wants to vie for senator in 2022 should know I will not be competing with him or her because I will be running for another seat,” he said.
He assured us that he will not stand for another position at the county level either, and he will be seeking the highest political seat – Presidency.
Kindiki further said Kenyans are not fully acquainted with the devolved system of governance, and the powers of the Senate as the Upper House.
“Unlike the National Assembly, the Senate has one vote for every county, and these votes help harmonise and bring the country together since each county is treated as an equal,” he said.
He disputed claims by some people that governors would make future Presidents saying they are county-bound, and may lack enough time to go round the country selling their ideologies, unlike MPs and senators who have time to move around selling their agendas.
At a personal level, Kindiki feels women representatives and nominated members play a critical role in the affirmative action and representation of the marginalised, but the quality of debates has been wanting and not adequate.
“It’s not a question of whether they should be elected, but whether they have been performing their role adequately. With the election of women representatives, we expected that more motions would be tabled in the assembly that touch on women affairs. But that has not been the case,” he said.
He, however, expressed sympathy for Kenyan taxpayers saying at times when holding public rallies he wonders whether the people fully understand the role of the leaders they elect considering the amount of money that goes into their pockets in form of salaries afterwards.
At the same time, Kindiki said the CDF kitty has successfully funded the much needed development projects unlike the money allocated to counties. He said this is so because the CDF has little recurrent expenditure, and most of it is channelled to development, whilst a huge chunk of county funds goes to pay salaries.
He called upon the media to engage the public in constructive political debates and shun leaders who use abusive language aimed at insulting their competitors.
Aside from Senator Kindiki’s call for more leaders from Mt Kenya East to come out and express their interest for Presidency and other national positions, Meru women's representative Florence Kajuju, who is a close ally to the Deputy President William Ruto, could be scaling higher heights into her political career.
This became clear after Meru leaders led by North Imenti MP Rahim Dawood launched a spirited campaign to endear her to the public, and pave the way for her for to become the running mate of a Presidential candidate in 2022.
“We are strongly supporting the Jubilee Alliance Party in 2017 with Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto as President and Deputy President respectively. But after their term, we want to find one amongst us who is best suited to take over the position of the Deputy President. Florence Kajuju perfectly fits the bill,” said Rahim at a public gathering in Urru Stadium Tigania West.
Mt Kenya East bloc is a host of close to more than one million votes, and unlike in the past when the political direction was determined by a few leaders, among them Meru Senator Kiraitu Murungi and Embu Senator Lenny Kivuti, more young leaders are expected to sprout and help in shaping the political destiny of the region.
Among the young leaders who are charting new and fresh political paths include Kindiki, Runyenjes MP Cecilly Mbarire, Igembe South MP Mithika Linturi, Meru Governor Peter Munya, Kajuju and Chuka Igamba Ng’ombe MP Muthomi Njuki.
Other major politicians from the region who were vocal during President Mwai Kibaki's regime among them Maara MP Kareke Mbiuki have since gone underground and could be facing stiff challenges in their governance.
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