Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Monica Amollo is dead

By Moses Kajwang
It is with deep sorrow that I learnt of the painful and sudden death of my friend Hon Monica Amollo. Until her death she was the Chair of ODM in Homa Bay County, a member of the Homa Bay County Assembly and a key member of my Senatorial campaign team. She perished tonight in a road accident while heading to Ndhiwa for a meeting where I was supposed to meet her and other leaders.

I wish to convey my heartfelt condolences to the family and friends. You have lost a mother, a wife, a friend and a very strong pillar.

Personally death has robbed me of a friend and confidant. She was a reliable comrade in the political struggle in Nyanza. She was a fearless defender of the rights of women and the girl child. She dared to venture where men would not consider going. She was lovely, bubbly, passionate and strong willed. When she believed in a cause she would pursue it without reservation. She dedicated herself to my senatorial campaign with rare energy and focus. She chose to be least in my team rather than to be first anywhere else. She chose to disregard anything that did not add value to ODM or to our campaign. She was fiercely loyal to the party leader and was his sounding board on matters to do with Homa Bay. She was the Iron Lady of Homa Bay.

Hon Monica's death is cruel coming at the time it did. Just today she was full of life when we welcomed the CORD brigade in Homa Bay for my final campaign rally. It is also less than three months since we lost the former Chair of ODM in Homa Bay the late Senator Gerald Otieno Kajwang. The gap left by the two will be impossible to fill immediately.

Let us remember the family and friends in our prayers and let us work hard to bring to fruition the ideals that Monica so passionately believed in. Farewell Nyagoro.

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