
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Businessman Paul Kobia admitted at Aga Khan after claiming to have killed Fidel Odinga -

Controversial businessman Paul Kobia. Photo/FILE
Controversial businessman Paul Kobia. Photo/FILE
Controversial businessman Paul Kobia has been admitted at Aga Khan hospital after running amok.
Police say his family took him to Gigiri police station after he became violent at his Runda home. Sources say he kept saying 'I killed Fidel', claims police have dismissed.
Acting Inspector General of Police Samuel Arachi dismissed media reports claiming Kobia had been arrested.
"Mr Kobia was taken to Gigiri Police station by his family who wanted to be assisted in having him restrained and escorted to a psychiatrist after he started shouting incoherently and acting violently," Arachi said in a statement.
Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko said Kobia had claimed knowing how Fidel Odinga died.
Fidel died on Sunday morning at his Karen home. Pathologists are yet to release the cause of death.
Kobia last year threatened Cord leader Raila Odinga and told him to respect President Uhuru Kenyatta's reign.
The businessman with interests in gold is a licensed firearm holder who once attacked a business partner.
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