
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Obamas' 2014 Pictures

Nov. 19, 2014 "Lawrence Jackson captured the President busting out in laughter as he and the First Lady recorded a holiday video message in the Map Room of the White House." (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
Dec. 3, 2014 "The First Lady and I both spotted the President standing under the mistletoe and she moved in to grab a kiss from him following a dinner for Combatant Commanders and military leadership at Blair House in Washington, D.C." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Dec. 16, 2014 "The President talks on the phone with President Raúl Castro of Cuba in the Oval Office. The next day, the President announced the U.S. would restore full relations with Cuba after more than 50 years." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Feb. 11, 2014 "Ever the gentleman, the President helps the First Lady off the stage after she thanked the White House chefs during the State Dinner for President François Hollande of France on the South Lawn of the White House." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
"March 23, 2014 "A great moment captured by Amanda Lucidon of the First Lady and daughters Sasha and Malia during their visit to the Great Wall of China." (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)
May 6, 2014 "Aides laugh as the President swats a fly that was invading his space in the Oval Office." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
May 16, 2014 "A pretty self-explanatory moment by Chuck Kennedy, as the First Lady toured the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site in Topeka, Kansas, with Stephanie Kyriazis, Chief of Interpretation and Education." (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)
June 6, 2014 "The President talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin after a lunch with other foreign leaders to commemorate the 70th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France. I'm sure they were talking about a subject matter other than D-Day." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
June 9, 2014 "The President sits for a 3D portrait being produced by the Smithsonian Institution. There were so many cameras and strobe lights flashing but the end result was kind of cool. See the video at this link:" (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
June 23, 2014 "The President kisses a baby girl as he and the Vice President greeted wounded warriors and their families during their tour in the East Room of the White House." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
June 29, 2014 "The President shares a quiet moment with his daughter Sasha during a father and daughter hike at Great Falls, Virginia." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
July 10, 2014 "During remarks on the economy in Austin, Texas, the President was heckled about immigration by two young men in the audience. After being interrupted again, the President told the men that he wanted to finish his speech but would be happy to have a conversation with them later. As soon as he left the stage, the President told his staff to bring the two men backstage so he could indeed talk to them about immigration." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
July 31, 2014 "It's true that the President has a calm demeanor. Not always though. Here the President expresses his dismay at comments from a Republican member of Congress discussing the administration's policy in Syria during a meeting with the chairs and ranking members of congressional national security committees. This frank exchange was later reported in the press." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Aug.14, 2014 "'Presidents don't get vacations; they get a change of scenery,' then First Lady Nancy Reagan once said about her husband's trips to his California ranch. It doesn't really matter if a President is in the Oval Office or on vacation in Martha's Vineyard. He is still the President, capable of making decisions wherever he is. Here, while on vacation in Chilmark, Massachusetts, the President puts the finishing touches on his remarks after meeting with Attorney General Eric Holder and others about the the situation in Ferguson, Missouri." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Oct. 20, 2014 "It was supposed to be just a simple early voting by the President at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center in Chicago, Illinois. When Aia Cooper, left, and her fiancé Mike Jones, far right, walked by to also cast their ballot, Jones quipped, 'Mr. President, don't touch my girlfriend.' The President replied, 'I really wasn't planning on it,' joking that Jones was 'an example of a brother just embarrassing you for no reason.' When the President finished voting, he reached over and gave Cooper a kiss on the cheek." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Oct. 24, 2014 "When Nina Pham walked into the Oval Office, the President gave her a big hug as her family and White House Dr. Ronny Jackson watched. Nina, a Dallas nurse diagnosed with Ebola after caring for an infected patient in Texas, was being treated at the National Institutes of Health in nearby Bethesda, Maryland, and the President invited her to the White House when she was released after being declared Ebola-free." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

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