
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Raila leaves for the US again in a week's time

CORD leader Raila Odinga chats with senator Hassan Omar and Mombasa women Rep Mishi Mboko during a meeting at the bomas of Kenya on September 25.Photo/HEZRON NJOROGE
CORD leader Raila Odinga chats with senator Hassan Omar and Mombasa women Rep Mishi Mboko during a meeting at the bomas of Kenya on September 25.Photo/HEZRON NJOROGE
CORD leader Raila Odinga will leave for the US in a week's time for another lecture tour, shortly after his return from Germany on Tuesday.
Raila is scheduled to be in Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.
He will give the annual Coca-Cola World Fund talk on October 9.
The trip is at the invitation of MacMillan Center, Yale University.
His main lecture is titled “Afro-Optimism: Has the Pendulum Swang Too Far?”
It will focus on Africa as the next frontier.
Information posted on the university website described the opposition leader as a champion of democracy.
“Odinga has been involved in the struggle for freedom and democracy in Kenya since the 1970s, and for his efforts was detained three times without trial,” the university stated.
Previous lecturers in the series include US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, first female Ireland PresidentMary Robinson and former ICC Prosecutor Luis Ocampo.
Raila will, however, likely skip an invitation to Columbia due to time constraints, as he is scheduled to lead a team of election observers in Mozambique's general elections.
He was appointed as the head of the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa observers' mission to oversee Mozambique's October 15 polls.
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