
Monday, August 11, 2014

Raila calls for arrest of Marwa

Monday, August 11, 2014 - 00:00 -- BY CHARLES MGHENYI
Mombasa county commissioner Nelson Marwa. Photo/Elkana Jacob
Mombasa county commissioner Nelson Marwa. Photo/Elkana Jacob
CORD leader Raila Odinga has called for the arrest and prosecution of Mombasa county commissioner Nelson Marwa for "falsely accusing our party of being behind violence in the Coast".
Marwa recently linked the killing of four people in an attack in Likoni to ODM. He claimed that he has evidence that ODM was responsible for the spiral of insecurity in the region in recent months.
Yesterday, Raila challenged Marwa to produce the evidence linking ODM to the violence in Likoni and other part of the county.
“It is dishonourable for a State officer to lie to Kenyans about the real cause of insecurity in the county,” said Raila.
He was speaking in the Soweto area, where four people were killed last month after attending a service at the Ushindi Baptist Church, Likoni.
“If he does not have evidence linking ODM to these attacks, he should be arrested and charged. However, we know he cannot be arrested - because he was sent by the same government to issue that statement,” he said during a church service.
Raila accused Marwa of trivialising serious insecurity problems in the coastal city of Mombasa.
He was accompanied by Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar, women's representative Mishi Mboko, MPs Awiti Bollo (Nyali), William Kamoti (Rabai) and Masoud Mwahima (Likoni).
He urged residents to support Cord's referendum calls, saying the thorny land issued in Likoni will only be resolved by amending the constitution. He specifically cited the Waitiki land saga,
Raila said Lands Secretary Charity Ngilu has usurped the National Land Commission's mandate and was trying to cheat Kenyans that the administration can resolve the land problem countrywide.
“We want a referendum so that the land issue can be resolved independently, because what we are seeing is a government taking over other people’s mandates,” he said.
Omar said the Jubilee Government cannot bring about land reforms in this country.
“Nobody else apart from the National Land Commission should be involved in resolving the land problems in this country,” he declared.
Awiti said the Okoa Kenya Movement launched on Saba Saba Day is the only solution for the issues affecting Kenyans.
Mishi said Raila is the biblical Moses sent to deliver this and future Kenyan generations from the problems that face them.
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