
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Jubilee to give MCAs ward offices

Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 00:00 -- BY ALLOYS MUSYOKA
GOODIES: Deputy President William Ruto at the opening of the Kwale County Investment Forum at Leisure Lodge Resort yesterday. Photo/REBECCA NDUKU DPPS
GOODIES: Deputy President William Ruto at the opening of the Kwale County Investment Forum at Leisure Lodge Resort yesterday. Photo/REBECCA NDUKU DPPS
IN a bid to win over the MCAs of all parties in the referendum tug of war, the Jubilee government is considering a raft of goodies for them.
Top on the incentives agenda is the plan to have MCAs provided with car grants in addition to mortgages, bodyguards, fully equipped offices and staff members, all paid for by the state.
"It is only a matter of time before you see all these issues effected. The discussions are at an advanced stage," said a senior Jubilee MP.
Although MCAs already have mortgages, they have been agitating for car grants just like Senators and members of the National Assembly.
Yesterday Deputy President William Ruto dangled yet another carrot, when he backed the MCAs' push to be represented in inter-governmental institutions.
“The request by MCAs that they want to be represented in the inter-governmental institutions so that they can have their say and input in matters of devolution is welcome.
“The Jubilee government will support MCAs so that they can be empowered to prosecute their responsibilities of representation and oversight in the counties. The Jubilee government is your father on matters of ensuring public resources channeled to counties are put to the right use,” Ruto declared.
He was addressing investors and leaders in Kwale during the official opening of the Destination Kwale forum, a tourism, cultural fair, beach and sports event at Leisure Lodge Resort.
In an Interesting turn of events, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho urged leaders to stop putting the country into electioneering mode. Joho is known to be close to ODM leader Raila Odinga, who is pushing relentlessly for a referendum.
He said there was no need to clamour for votes as if elections were just around the corner.
Joho asked leaders to assist women in their endeavours to achieve economic empowerment and stop distracting Kenyans from their noble task of nation-building as the country is not ready for campaigns again.
“I am not seeking any votes as I know the election is in 2017, and it’s our responsibility as leaders to lead by example in serving our people, and especially women, in their campaign to achieve economic independence," said Joho.
Ruto said the national government will make sure that MCAs have the necessary capacities appropriate to their roles in holding the executive to account so that citizens can get value for their money.
Ruto attacked governors who opposed appearing before the Senate, saying the biggest threats to investment, devolution and national transformation are mismanagement, waste, corruption, theft and leaders who do not want to be held to account.
He said since Kenyans have given their leaders the responsibility to manage public resources, they must be ready to be held responsible and to the highest standards of integrity and accountability.
"That is how the public and Kenyans taxpayers will get value for their taxes. The Jubilee administration is unapologetic, unmoved and is going to be firm,” he added.
He said that the counties should be ready to be held responsible just like the national government will be held accountable.
“My friend Governor Salim Mvurya is not the type of public servant who, when held to account, gives excuses that they are big people and cannot answer questions,” he said.
Ruto remarked that leaders are as great and as powerful as the people of Kenyans have made them, noting that they should be accountable through the institutions set up by the constitution.
The Deputy President was also quick to accuse governors and the Cord leadership over their plans to change the constitution.
“Our independence constitution was destroyed because of rushed amendments that were made to serve selfish, parochial, partisan interests like the ones being prosecuted around the country now. This one we will protect - and we will amend it only when it is necessary and as a matter of last resort,” he declared.
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