
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Men come out to receive ‘government wives’ in Nambale

Written by Leonard Acharry
2014-07-28 07:29:00
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A section of men who turned up for free wives at Nambale shopping centre. [PHOTO|Leonard Acharry|West Fm]
Busia County: Men converged at Nambale Sub-County headquarters to be given wives during the weekend after getting word from unclear sources that the government was bringing free ladies from Ukambani.
Although President Uhuru Kenyatta signed into law marriage Bill that allows men to marry more than one wife in April 2014, it seems many men are having problems of getting the best women from their midst to marry.
Men from as far as Bungoma and Siaya started arriving at the venue (Nambale shopping centre) as early as 6am determined to wait as long as they get wives.
They alleged that they were told by government agents that they come for free women, 10000 shillings and one sack of maize to start their new life with, but some men insisted that they were informed in villages by provincial administration of the event.
“There are people from the DCC’s (Deputy County Commissioner) office who were moving around our villages telling us who don’t have wives to come here today with ID cards and be given wives, one sack of maize and Sh. 10000 to start life with. Some even told us that they we will be given sufurias and cooking stick,” said one of the men.
It also emerged that most men from the region were not happy with how their women behave, “I had married a woman whom we sired two children with. But one day she carried all her things and went away, when I asked her father he told me that she had gone to attend funeral and would come back soon. I have waited for over four years and she hasn’t come back,” he said as another one put in, “Girls from this place like showing off, have bad manners and when you marry them, they steal your property in the house and run away to do the same to other men.”
Old men were also not left out as they came to look for wives to marry, “My name is Albert Obonyo I am 60 years old looking for a woman to marry. My wife died long ago and left me with three children who are now grown ups and I have two grandchildren.”
However women and girls from around could not take it easily as they kept vigilant on their men, keen to prevent their husbands and boyfriends from getting the said Kamba ladies.
The women in the area downplayed allegation from men that they are ill-mannered and claimed that it’s men who are lazy with poor manners, “These men are just lazy and they have a habit of spoiling people’s daughters where they stay with them for some time then dump them and take others. They have come here because they have heard that there are free wives plus maize and money. They don’t know how to work hard and get money to take care of their wives and girlfriends.”
Some of them called on the government to call off the exercise as it was going to affect their daughters, “If the government brings women from other places for men here to marry, where will our daughters go to/ who will marry them then? We want the government to counsel this exercise and make sure that it does not take place.”
Nambale sub-county DCC Francis Lenyangume denied being aware of such an event organized by government.
And after waiting for the whole day without the said women coming, the desperate men went home in the evening more desperate but with a hope that one day they will meet the most talked of Kamba ladies.

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