
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Doc Rivers Will Quit if Donald Sterling Remains Clippers Owner

The Atlantic Wire 

Doc Rivers Will Quit if Donald Sterling Remains Clippers Owner
The seemingly never-ending saga of Donald Sterling attempting to keep hold of the L.A. Clippers hit another snag today. Doc Rivers, the coach of the Clippers, has threatened to quit if Donald Sterling remains the owner of the team
Today, interim CEO of the Clippers Richard Parsons served as a witness in court to support Shelly Sterling's attempt to sell the team for $2 billion to Steve Ballmer. Donald Sterling, her estranged husband, took her to court to try and block the sale.
Shelly Sterling was able to sell the team to Ballmer by removing Donald from the Sterling Family Trust after doctors found her husband "mentally incapacitated." Sterling's lawsuit aims to stop the sale of the team, as he argues she released his medical history without his consent.
Parsons testified that Doc Rivers has said if Donald Sterling remains owner, Rivers will quit. This would be a major blow to a team already in chaos because of Sterling's poor reputation. 
In the event the sale is not completed by September 15, the NBA says it can seize the team and put it up for auction. 

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