
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Corridors of Power

Thursday, July 3, 2014 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
Maseno University. Photo/FJILE
Maseno University. Photo/FJILE
Cord leaders at a past rally in Uhuru Park. Photo/FILE
Cord leaders at a past rally in Uhuru Park. Photo/FILE
Is the government laying ground to justify something it is planning to do to Cord leaders? We are told that the government is plotting a crackdown on some opposition chiefs ahead of the Monday Saba Saba rally called by Raila Odinga to demand for dialogue. It is not clear what the crackdown will be but sources within the security agencies have whispered to us that "it will be rough".
The Kenyan stand at the Smithsonian Festival where Kenyan musicians had refused to perform due to payment disagreements with the Ministry of Culture and Sports had nothing beautiful to showcase about the country. The stand had falling photos of Kenyan athletics heroes that were badly pasted with masking tape and the tent which was supposed to market Kenya, was not branded with Kenyan colours.
The UN Environment Assembly conference that happened last week in Nairobi was attended by many countries including North Korea. This was the first meeting the Asian nation sent a delegation to the conference in the last seven years. The usually vocal delegates must have been too excited to be at the meeting as they even forgot to defend their country's honour when OECD Development Assistance Committee Erik Solheim compared their nation unfavourably to its Southern neighbour in the plenary.
The legal department at Maseno University is being accused of favouring a particular firm for contracts at the institution. Senior staff at the university are concerned that a senior official at the department is related to a director of the firm hence the favouritism. The officer is said to have favoured the firm for 13 years.
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