
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Governor Mandago okays Eldoret Cord rally

Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 00:00 -- BY MATHEWS NDANYI
Uasin gishu Governor Jackson Mandago.Photo/File
Uasin gishu Governor Jackson Mandago.Photo/File
UASIN Gishu Governor Jackson Mandago has allowed Cord to proceed with its Eldoret rally scheduled for Friday.
Mandago and county commissioner Abdi Mohammed met with Cord officials in Eldoret and agreed that the rally should go on. Police had cancelled the meeting due to security reasons but Cord leader Raila Odinga vowed that it will proceed.
He said security agencies have no mandate to cancel such meetings. However, Mandago said the insistence by Cord leaders to hold the rally is dangerous because tension is high in the area.
“The Cord leader has said the meeting has to take place. We have told them that if they want to use force then let them proceed with the meeting," he said.
Mandago also took issue with the media for blowing out of proportion the advice by security teams that the meeting be postponed.
Mandago met with the Cord team led by Uasin Gishu ODM chairman Kipkorir Menjo. Senior police officers also attended the meeting at the governor’s office.
Menjo said they had ironed out their differences and the rally will go on peacefully.
“We have asked the police to play their role of providing security but we are peaceful people and are not interested in chaos,” he said.
Mandago said the Cord leaders should be ready to take responsibility should anything happen because they had ignored advice by security teams to postpone the rally.
“We have told them that rights have obligations and it’s of no use as a country to have institutions and advisory teams that we ignore. Even Raila knows that as a leader you have institutions whose advice you use to run the country,” said Mandago.
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