Monday, June 2, 2014

After been heckled at Raila Rally,Kidero gets some love at Nyayo Stadium

 | June 1, 2014 |
Kidero at NyayoNAIROBI, Kenya, June 1 – Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero on Sunday said that he would continue to work with President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government despite being heckled by Coalition for Reform and Democracy (CORD) supporters on Saturday.
Kidero had cited his working relationship with President Kenyatta as the reason he was heckled and said he would not be bullied into submission.
“We’ll work with all Nairobians irrespective of which part of the country they come from. We will work without fear or favour irrespective of one’s religious affiliation and your Excellency as required of us in the Constitution and as required of us by the Urban Areas and Cities Act we will work with your government,” he stressed.
Kidero went on to state that he would not limit his leadership role to Nairobi either despite criticism by a section of the CORD fraternity that he was stepping out of line by taking an active role in Luo Nyanza affairs.
“As a leader of this country my role is not limited to Nairobi. Where other Kenyans invite me to help them in my individual capacity I will do so without fear or favour,” he said.
These two sections of Kidero’s speech attracted applause as he did when he first began addressing those gathered at the Nyayo National Stadium for the Madaraka Day celebrations.
Applause that was in stark contrast to the chants of, “Kidero must go,” that greeted his attempt to make an address at former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s homecoming rally at Uhuru Park on Saturday.
READ: Kidero heckled off stage at CORD rally
And in a statement clearly orchestrated to save face and which will undoubtedly stoke tempers among those in CORD who question his loyalty, Kidero went on to add fuel to the fire by referring to Deputy President William Ruto as, “his good friend,” before inviting him to speak.
The governor was also keen to highlight his accomplishments over the last year and his plans for Nairobi County should he remain in office for the remainder of his term.
“We are planning on providing 80,000 low cost houses mainly in the Eastlands area within the next four years. Your Excellency we’ll see a totally new Eastlands through what we call Eastlands Urban regeneration. This not only will have supply of water and sanitation but off course infrastructure which includes light rail,” he touted.
And in deviation from the CORD position that President Kenyatta’s government has performed poorly, Kidero praised him for his good work.
“Your Excellency since the introduction of free maternity the number of women dying at birth has come down from what it was of 701 to under 300. Also we’ve seen child mortality come down from what it was of the national average of 40 children per thousand to under 20 children per thousand,” he praised.
READ: Jubilee has done poorly ‘while I was away’ – Raila
Kidero is engaged in a fight for his political survival after the Court of Appeal nullified his election as Nairobi Governor; the Supreme Court however ordered that he remain in office pending their determination of his appeal.
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